
How to Prevent Crisis Management from Becoming a Crisis?

How to Prevent Crisis Management from Becoming a Crisis?

On Wednesday, March 16th, Olga Botero, our Founding Partner, and Juanita Duque, our VP of Cybersecurity, were invited to give a conference in the II Jornada STIC Colombian Chapter on how to manage a #cybercrisis!

During their presentation, titled “How to Prevent Crisis Management from Becoming a Crisis?”, Olga and Juanita illustrated how to manage a cybersecurity crisis, from its advance planning to its closure. Attendants learned how to identify a cybersecurity crisis situation, the importance of defining internal and external roles during a crisis and defining who should participate and how.

Special emphasis was made on the roles of Senior Management, Board of Directors, internal teams related to the legal, communications and technical areas, and external actors (including the roles of providers, regulators, specialists, insurers, and experts needed during a crisis).

The conference also made emphasis on critical activities such as communication, the management of all those involved (customers, suppliers, collaborators, shareholders, media, etc.), legal and financial activities and the technical crisis management cycle.

Moreover, experiences from real-world cases were exposed, including learnings of what they did well and what they did wrong, such as the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

Thank you CCN-CERT for allowing us to be part of this year’s event!

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