Our clients
Some of our Clientes
Success Stories
Story 1
One of the main banks in Peru.
Supported the definition of the bank’s technology strategy plan with a focus in quickly enabling the digital transformation and achieving the bank’s strategic objectives.
Story 2
One of the main utilities companies in Colombia with operations in multiple countries in Latin America.
Revisión completa de su función de tecnología incluyendo su estrategia, proyectos estratégicos, arquitectura, modelo de operación, estructura, y modelo de gobierno para enfrentar los retos de la transformación digital, la convergencia IT-OT, y alcanzar los objetivos estratégicos del negocio.
Story 3
One of the mail regulatory entities in Colombia.
Supported the definition and execution of the entity’s technology strategy, as well as its operation model, structure, and organization to achieve the missionary objectives and become one of the first entities to have a digital expedient.
Story 4
One of the main banks in Chile.
Supported the assessment and creation of the work plan to guarantee a complete and mature cyber risk management program based on the organization’s risk appetite.
Story 5
One of the main telecommunications and technology companies in Brazil.
Supported the definition of the strategy and the plan for the upcoming years, understanding the necessary implications and adjustments in the operating model and the organization to achieve the company’s strategic objectives.
Story 6
One of the main banks in Panama.
Performed an evaluation of the maturity state of the bank’s cyber risk and cybersecurity management program based on NIST CSF and NIST NICE frameworks and generated a workplan to reach the program’s cybersecurity objectives.